Wednesday, August 18, 2010


To support Dalan returning to school (and my crazy internet addiction), we decided to purchase a second computer. I think it was a great decision, but its still a little awkward to be in the same room and not speaking while we work on our separate projects. Its also pretty weird for Dalan to be studying every night. I spent 3 hours working on a cub scout tracking spread sheet last night because I was so bored. Yes, I am awesome. The only bad part is, to be the supportive wife, I let Dalan have the new computer (also, desk space was total drama). My 20" computer is looking pretty shabby now.

I keep glancing over my shoulder and sighing with envy @ the 27" monster behind me.
I believe we have to name them now, referring to "the computer" isn't good enough anymore. Any amazing name suggestions?

1 comment:

The Wirick Five said...

You'll get used to the "working together in silence" thing. Chris and I sit back to back on our computers....and sometimes, we even FB back and forth. Talking is overrated, right?

Our tally right now is: 3 desktop computers, 1 laptop, 1 iPad and 3 iPhones (1 which will be for sale shortly). GOOD TIMES!!