I've decided to officially list my New Year's Resolutions. Hopefully sharing this information will make me more accountable, and more likely to keep them.
1. Start a new blog - post at least once a week.
My original blog unfortunately lost all of its images awhile ago when I attempted to merge 2 google accounts. I've been attempting to restore it for over a year now, and I tend to use its unorganized state as an excuse to not write. I've already started this one, hence our new URL TheHiltonHerd.blogspot.com.
2. Enroll in some sort of exercise class.
I need to be sure to get out of the house and exercise. I'm hoping a class environment will be more enjoyable for me than my regular 'go to the gym' approach.
3. Document and share my fertility and pregnancy experiences over the last 2 years.
I've written about it a thousand times in my head, but never been confident enough to actually document this. I think it will help me resolve some emotions that still come up from time to time, and hopefully my words could one day help someone else going through a similar experience.
4. Take walks with my dogs
This should be fairly easy considering all of the mountain trails accessible from our new apartment, and the fact that we are yard-less and need to now take our dogs out on a leash every time they need to relieve themselves.
5. Everyday document something that happened to everyone in the family.
I plan to just record one quick item for each of us on index cards, and keep this going every year. We will add on to the same card in following years and get to re-visit what happened on the same day the year before. I plan on making this part of our dinnertime routine.
6. Create and stick to a menu at least 6 nights a week.
This is probably going to be a hard one for us. I would like to have at least one vegetable every dinner, and shop no more than one week out so we are using fresher produce.
7. Minimize my wardrobe - only purchase future items that I love.
I tend to buy things just because they are on sale. I want to get away from this mentality, and only purchase items I love. This will mean that not everything I buy will be on sale, and I will have to save up for the things I really want. I hope to cut the amount of clothing I own in half. I want more quality and versatile items that also make me excited to get dressed in the morning.
8. Carry my camera with me more often - photograph something new at least once a week.
I want this photo to be taken with an SLR and not my phone. Phone photos are a little too easy, and I want this to be a challenge. I want to focus more on landscape and still-life, I've really only done portraiture in the past.
9. Chill out.
Stop thinking of being with my baby as work and stop trying to manage him as if he were an employee. I've gotten so used to my job over the past 8 years, that I have begun to use it to define who I am. I need to step back now and stop trying to manage everything. I need to let my baby be a normal, messy, and sometimes fussy baby. And I need to let go of some control and just let things happen in their own time.
10. Make friends.
I need to be more friendly and step out of my comfort zone. I need to be ok with casual conversation, and make a bigger effort at small talk. Take interest in people I've just met. Ask leading questions and learn something about those around me. Attend Relief Society, and enjoy the spirit, instead of being defensive.
There are many other things I would love to work on, but I fear that this small list may be difficult to accomplish already. Most of the items listed above, I believe, will better our family, and help us live a healthier happier life. This all comes at an ideal time for change, new baby, new occupation, new apartment, new city, and many more adjustments in our lives. Most of all, I just want our home to be a happy place, and I'm excited to do my part in achieving that.