Sunday, March 15, 2009

and it servers her right.

My parents just emailed this picture to me and I thought it was way to funny to pass up. They have a Pekingese mix who can be an absolute brat. She steals the toys from the other dogs and hides them. The main objects of her contention are plain raw-hide chew sticks. Every time my mom gets them out every dog gets one, but somehow Tazzie ends up with them all, and next thing you know, they are gone. My parents recently got some new furniture, and when we were moving out the old couches we found 11 of these chew sticks underneath the couches, No one can figure out how she managed to squeeze them under there, and we had a good laugh over it. Now in Tazzie's room of choice their are 2 sitting chairs somewhat close together. She will steal all of the chew sticks and throw them behind the chairs, there is some poetic justice to the new setup. When Tazzie decides to cash in on her bounty and get the chew sticks out she jumps behind the chairs, and gets stuck. My parents have found her on multiple occasions with her head stuck between the 2 chairs. Haha!

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